cat sleeping soundly
Welcome to our cat-family !

It's a place where
cats sleep soundly, play laudly and humans watch proudly :)

Love me. Feed me. Never leave me.

Helloo humans !
Nice to see you there.
So, as much as we're concerned you love cats. And that's understandable. We are amazing hunters, therapists, singers, runners, so cute and intelligent.
No wonder you can't resist us.
Not everything is roses though.
We are also the same creatures that doesn't let you sleep through the night, the ones zooming around when you need peace and quiet, but never around when you call our names.
Unless we're hungry of course.
Yep, we are cats.
And there's nothing
you can do about it.

Let me introduce our cat-family.
Milka is the center of our cat-universe. She is everywhere and dictates the rules. Having a white fur and being a princess she is means
grooming is her hobby.
White is also white (humans probably were too lazy to come up with a proper name, so called him a colour.
Very clever...)
You would think he is Milka's brother as they look the same! Actually, most of humans mix them up all the time, and that's because of their weak senses. We can smell each other from far away so usually we don't have such problems.
In reality, White is not Milka's relative. But you know who is?
Garfield ! They have the same mum but live in different houses. And they couldn't be different from each other.
This kind-hearted ginger cat is absolute opposite to Milka.

Now that you know who we are,
let's meet face-to-face.

Prepare for cuteness overload.

white cat on cat tree

Hi, my name is Milka. I am the spoiled princess of the house because I'm just so cute. But don't be fooled by appearance - there's a real evil within! Want to know more about me?

Oh Yesss!
white cat on the pavement

Hey people, noone really knows my name, so just call me White. I become gray or black sometimes while chasing mice, but I'm still the brightest star in the whole area! Want to hear my story?

ginger cat

Hey, I'm Garfield and I'm Milka's brother. We don't live together and I'm so glad for this! Maybe we share similar genes but honestly I don't see any similarities between us! Do you?

Let's find out

After you saw our precious faces,
let's check some fact about us.
We are all cats but we are not the same.
We love different thing and hate different things. And we expect to be treated differently too !

Milka White Garfield
Age 2 3 3
Gender Female Male Male
Eyes Blue Green Amber
Fur White White Ginger
Type Boisterous Friendly Shy
Fav food Cat soup Mice Cat soup
Fav snack Flies Leftovers Cat sticks
Fav toy Bottle cover Mice Laser
Hobby Chasing flies Chasing mice Chasing laser
Indoors? Yes Nope Yes

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